Healthy Exchange Wellness Library

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Fifty-Five Percent Of Caregivers Feel Overwhelmed


Millions of Americans provide care for aging or chronically ill family members at home, but according to the American Psychological Association’s most recent Stress in America survey, caregivers are among the most-highly stressed Americans. Fifty-five percent of caregivers say they feel overwhelmed by the amount of care their aging or chronically ill family member requires. Additionally, caregivers are more likely than those in the general population to say they’re doing a poor/fair job practicing healthy behaviors, including managing stress and getting enough sleep.

How can you give your best efforts to your loved one, while also avoiding the dangers of over-stress and burnout? The suggestions below can help:

Stress management tips for caregivers

Your EAP is here to help

Remember, your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is always available to help you or your dependents with any type of personal, family or work-related concern. All EAP services are FREE and strictly CONFIDENTIAL. If you need some help, why not call an EAP counselor today? We’re here to help.

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