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Addictions are most often associated with alcohol, drugs or smoking, but millions of individuals suffer from numerous other types of addictions. Known collectively as addictive disorders, in addition to abuse of substances such as alcohol, drugs and smoking, individuals can also become addicted to compulsive types of behavior such as: gambling, shopping, eating, sexual activity, pornography or use of the internet.

How do you know if you have a problem?

Whether the abuse is to a substance or a behavior/activity, an addictive disorder exists when you cannot control your habit or behavior despite the fact that it is undermining your health, your relationships, your work, your finances, or your self-respect. If one of these behaviors has gotten out of control for you (or a family member), review the symptom checklist below to recognize if your behavior has become an addictive disorder. A "yes" answer to one or more statements below may indicate a problem:

  1. The person thinks about the activity a lot when they're not doing it.
  2. The person seems unable to control the amount of time spent doing the activity.
  3. The person denies having a problem, when many things are obviously going wrong.
  4. The person hides the activity from family and friends.
  5. When unable to do the activity, the person becomes irritable, moody, tearful, angry, or hostile.
  6. The person would rather do the activity than spend time with family or friends.
  7. The person has extreme mood swings that are completely unpredictable.
  8. The person blames other people for his/her troubles and does not take responsibility for his/her own actions.
  9. The person has headaches, stomach disorders, and other unexplained and ongoing physical symptoms.
  10. The person begins to neglect his/her appearance and to do hurtful or illegal things.

Getting help

Whether you have reached the "addiction" stage or not, recognizing and admitting that your habit is negatively impacting your life is the first step toward overcoming it. You can build the strength to overcome your addiction, develop alternatives to it, and learn to live a healthy and full life.

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