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Working Parents Raising Kids


Finding the right balance between work and family is a difficult and on-going challenge for all working parents. How can you find time for work and running a household, and still give your children the care and attention they need? Here are some ideas that might help:

1. Prioritize your commitments. There is not enough time to spend doing things that aren’t important to you. Identify your various roles and attach a level of priority to each. Make sure you are putting your time and energy only into the things that are truly most important to you.

2. Strive to find balance. Work out a plan with your spouse and kids that works for your family. Talk about the difficulties of meeting work and family responsibilities and let other family members try to help find solutions for the time crunch. Make sure your family knows that their needs take a high priority despite the demands of your job.

3. Share responsibilities. Split parenting and household tasks appropriately among family members. Be sure that everyone in your family understands that household chores are a responsibility for all family members to tackle. Consider paying for some services to be done. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help from extended family, friends or other parents in similar situations to yours.

4. Make the most of family time. Spend some time alone each day with your spouse and each child. Even if it is only for a few minutes, talk, read, or participate in an activity together. Also, plan special family events. Ignore your weekend agenda of household duties every once in a while and enjoy family time together.

5. Avoid making comparisons. The tendency is to feel like everyone else has it all together, but work/family counselors say most people share the same stresses, concerns and occasional feelings of inadequacy when it comes to balancing work and family. Keep your expectations realistic. If your kids and work are your most important priorities, lower your standards on household responsibilities. Learn to let a few things slide.

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