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Recognizing drug abuse in the workplace


Most would recognize a co-worker at work appearing doped or intoxicated, having the smell of alcohol on the breath, or having hand tremors, as signs of substance abuse. However, direct signs such as these are not always present. Lesser-known indicators of a substance abuse problem at work may include the following:

What to do

If you suspect someone at work has a problem with alcohol or drugs, follow the suggestions below:

1. Do not protect the drug user from the negative consequences of his or her drug use. The best way to help a user face an alcohol or drug problem is to make sure you don't ignore, excuse, or cover up behaviors or mistakes that result from the abuse or addiction. When you cover up for someone, it is called enabling. When you enable, you allow a person to avoid the negative results of using alcohol or drugs. Enabling actually helps the person to NOT deal with his or her problem.

2. If an impaired co-worker threatens your safety…tell a supervisor right away. Also, if you see a co-worker get high or deal drugs on the job, report it to a supervisor as soon as you can.

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