TMHC Services, Inc. Employee Assistance Program
Welcome to Healthy Exchange …your quarterly online newsletter. Each issue provides information to help you better deal with personal, family or work related concerns.
TMHC Services, Inc. is Here to Help
TMHC Services, Inc. EAP provides free phone calls (brief crisis intervention, assessment, and referral), face-to-face visits and legal/financial assistance. Our EAP phone lines are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year by qualified professional counselors. You and your family members may access this phone line as often as needed with no annual restrictions. Call TMHC Services, Inc. now for information and free, confidential assistance, Toll free: 1-800-999-1196.
EAP Services Provided
At some point in everyone's life, circumstances have a way of shifting, knocking our feet out from under us and leaving us with the feeling we'll never find our way back to solid ground. After all, life isn't supposed to be this way, these things don't happen to people like us, but they do. TMHC Services, Inc. EAP is here to help. We provide a toll-free 800 number available for all your employees and their immediate family members answered 24/7/365 by our qualified master's level mental health professionals. All calls are handled in a professional manner. Questions are answered and problems are resolved on the phone, if appropriate. Counselors have access to a thorough referral directory and can meet virtually every need of any caller. TMHC Services, Inc. also recognizes that confidentiality is the cornerstone of an effective EAP program. All employees have the right to seek assistance for their problems and know that their information will be held in the strictest confidence. You can participate with the fullest confidence and trust that your private circumstances will not be revealed to anyone without your permission.
A wide range of benefits can be addressed with the EAP. Your EAP can assist you with the following issues:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Work & Home Stress
- Marital Problems
- Difficult Relationships
- Alcohol and/or Drug Abuse
- Divorce or Separation
- Financial Issues
- Civil & Consumer Issues
- Personal and Family Legal Services
- Business Legal Services
- Tax Preparation and Consultation Services
- Real Estate Matters
- Criminal Matters
- IRS Matters
- Financial Services
- Estate Planning Law
- Domestic Violence
- Grief
- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Services
Additional Services:
- Unlimited access to the program's core website which contains information on more than 1,000 legal/financial topics and over 1,200 legal/financial forms.
- Quarterly newsletter for all employees with online access to the library of past newsletter articles.
- Access to providers close to your work or home who are licensed psychologists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists and certified addiction counselors.